It’s not that she’s just a naturally gifted performer (she is) but there’s a considered approach, an intellectualism for the masses, that underpins her words. She knows Shakespeare, that much is clear. And you’d better know the Bard if you’re going to start adding vivid imagery and expanding on his words
★★★★★ – Views from the Gods

I am in blood,
Stepped in so far that should I wade no more,
Returning were as tedious as go o’er.

Feel yourself pulled deep into the world of The Bard’s darkest tragedy with this alchemic solo performance.

From worthy warrior to marked man, from hero to murderer; Macbeth’s fate is set from the start in this tense and gripping re-telling of Macbeth, the third in Debs Newbold’s trilogy of re-imagined Shakespeares. Originally commissioned by the Hay Literary Festival, a sell-out at Shakespeare’s Globe and the talk of festivals both in the UK and abroad, this is an unforgettable, shimmering work of performance storytelling that will haunt you for a very long time to come.

a must see, it’s engrossing and thoroughly amazing
– FLY Festival